Posts By Liane Yvkoff

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Liane Yvkoff is a contributing lifestyle writer for Zwivel. She has contributed to, Men’s Journal, Women’s Health, Popular Mechanics,,, and several publications for which you must show ID to purchase.

breast lift scars - removing bra

With age, breasts once perky and full begin to deflate and droop. Creams do very little to help, and exercise can make the problem even worse. Breast lift surgery is the only truly effective solution -- if you can deal with the scars. Mastopexy, also known as breast lift surgery, is a surgical procedure that gives breasts a more youthful appearance by…

exfoliation treatment

Daily full-body scrub downs? A Hollywood dermatologist is popularizing this new trend among his celebrity clientele, claiming you can exfoliate your way to younger-looking skin. Pay attention, because your shower routine is about to get longer. Your anti-aging regimen shouldn’t stop at your neck, or even your décolletage. Arms, feet, knees, thighs, and even your backside are all equal opportunity candidates for…

breast implants

Instead of silicone or saline implants, breast augmentation patients can now choose to have their own fat transferred to their breasts. While some surgeons claim that fat grafting provides more natural results, there are also major drawbacks and limitations to this technique. Not all experts agree that teardrop-shaped implants provide more natural looking -- or feeling -- results than traditional round…

hand rejuvenation

The lines in your palm won't unveil any secrets about your life, but the back of your hands might. The best way to guess a person's age is to look at their hands, not at their face. Although an effective skincare regimen and facial cosmetic procedures might help you look years younger than you really are, the wrinkly skin, prominent veins, and dark spots on the back…


We spoke with three board certified dermatologists to find which skincare products are proven to work. Here are their top picks.  Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a universal skincare routine. What works for one person may not work for another, and more often than not, finding the right cache of moisturizers and cleansers that will deliver clear, soft, and smooth…

new botox treatments revance anterios

The active ingredients in Botox haven’t changed much since their anti-aging properties were discovered in the 1980s, but new formulas that are poised to hit the market soon may offer alternatives to this popular treatment. Botox has been the leading non-surgical anti-aging procedure since it was formally introduced to the market as a cosmetic treatment in 2002. It's one of the first steps down…

stem cell cosmetics

Stem cells are the anti-aging ingredient du jour. Cosmetic companies, spas, and even some doctors are touting their use as a sort of “fountain of youth” than can rejuvenate the skin and body and improve aesthetic procedures. There is no question that these cells are powerful and hold a lot of potential to treat a range of conditions, but there…

11 Surprising facts about Dermal Fillers

Botox used to be the “go-to” anti-aging treatment of choice, but a growing number of consumers and doctors are now turning to dermal fillers as a way to restore a more youthful appearance to the face. Dermal fillers are injectable substances used to add volume, treat wrinkles, fine lines, and enhance facial features. Surgeons will use naturally-occuring substances as injectibles…


Non-invasive procedures work, but results vary. The pounds have melted away and the stretch marks have faded, but that doesn’t mean I exited pregnancy unscathed. Fully clothed, I may look like my former slim pre-pregnancy self, but what you don’t see is the thin, crepey skin and sagging belly hidden underneath my mom uniform of t-shirt and jeans. And it’s…
