Posts By Jedha Dening

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Jedha Dening is a contributing health and beauty writer for Zwivel. She specializes in crafting compelling words for B2B & B2C health companies and publications worldwide.

Want to lose weight? Here's why counting calories won't help. Weight loss and calorie intake are two topics we often hear paired together. The common weight loss equation we know is that eating fewer calories will help us beat the bulge. But according to experts, there are several reasons why you should stop counting calories right now. We spoke with four…

midface lift

You feel great on the inside, but when you look in the mirror your exterior doesn’t seem to reflect your inner glow any longer. Instead, all you see are the forces of time, gravity, sun damage, and heredity staring back at you, especially in the lower face region. Thankfully, modern facial rejuvenation techniques such as the mini facelift produce very…

Female Hair Loss

Hair is important to women. It's an essential component of our self-identity and overall body image, and one of the only aspects of our appearance that we have full control over. So if you find yourself staring at the shower drain and noticing more hair than usual, that's definitely a cause for concern. It’s often assumed that only men experience hair loss, but…

The popularity of collagen injections has declined in recent years. Safer, more effective synthetic fillers have become the new standard. When you look in the mirror, do you wish you could turn back the hands of time and erase the signs of aging without resorting to surgery? If so, you may have heard of a cosmetic procedure known as collagen replacement therapy. While it’s true that collagen…

Anti Aging Diet

By switching up a range of foods and ensuring you consume powerful antioxidants, anti-inflammatory nutrients and beneficial compounds, you can create an anti-aging diet that supports a youthful radiance, from the inside out. According to New York dermatologist Dr. Ariel Ostad, your diet has a significant influence on your skin. “Nearly every disease process, along with cell death and cell…

examination dermatologist

40 to 50 percent of Americans develop skin cancer at some point in their life. Thankfully, many common skin cancers can be treated by dermatologists and plastic surgeons using Mohs micrographic surgery. To become Mohs surgeons, dermatologists undergo rigorous surgical training. While their work removes up to 99 percent of skin cancers, if not treated effectively, cosmetically sensitive areas such as the…

Vitamin Drip Treatment

Vitamin drip therapy. Celebrities treat themselves to it before hitting the red carpet. Fitness enthusiasts use it to increase the intensity of their workouts. Plastic surgeons prescribe it to reduce pain and speed up healing post-surgery. And best of all, science shows it works! Although it’s been around since the mid 1950’s, vitamin drip therapy isn’t very well known to…

legs, woman riding bicycle

Are you at wits end over the loose sagging skin that makes your thighs look flabby and won’t tighten up despite adequate exercise? A thigh lift, the surgical procedure thousands of other similarly frustrated individuals undergo every year, could be the solution for you. Thighplasty is a body contouring procedure that improves the cosmetic appearance of baggy, excess flesh around the…

Ab Etching

If you’ve always dreamed of sporting defined, washboard abs but don’t want to work your way to them in a gym, abdominal etching might be an option worth considering. Let’s face it, there’s something incredibly appealing about a lean, rock hard six-pack. But there is one major limitation: achieving definition in the abdominal area is not an easy task. It’s…

eyelash enhancement

Permanent eyelash enhancement techniques will save you time - and money. Drs. Babak Azizzadeh and Jessie Cheung share their secrets. It’s the desire of every woman to have fuller, thicker, longer eyelashes. That’s because we girls innately understand how dressing up our eyes makes us look more alive, feminine and youthful. It’s important to us. So if you feel like…
